Monday, December 7, 2009

Going Out With A Bang

So at least one of my wishes came true – my Hanukah party was a big success. I truly didn’t know how many people to expect when I first started planning it – some of my events attract lots of people, and some have had to be canceled due to low attendance. So I was shocked – shocked! – when my assistant told me on Friday morning, one day before the party, that we had 240 people RSVPed! And the night of the party, 100 more people showed up!The bar was packed with people mingling, dancing, drinking, eating latkas, and taking amazing photo booth pictures – like this one :)

We ended up having to do a “one in, one out” situation once the bar reached capacity. At one point, I was forced to actually close the doors to keep people out – a problem, but a problem I didn’t really mind having! (At least now I know that I could have a future career in being a bouncer.)

And speaking of future careers, I think it’s time that I revealed to the blog world what I’ve slowly been revealing to the real world…

At the end of this year, I will be leaving the Federation. This was a really difficult decision for me to make, especially considering I am not someone who loves change. And this is a big one.

The Federation has been wonderful to me. I spent almost a year and a half working in the Communications Department as the PR Associate, and loved everything about it: the work, the people I worked with (especially my old boss, Deb), and the pride I felt in working for the Jewish community.

When the position of Young Leadership Division Director opened up, I was asked if it was something I was interested in. And at the time, it was – it was something I had always thought I would be good at, and so I decided to take the opportunity. Now, more than six months later, I’ve realized that being the YLD Director is not the right place for me.

At the end of the day, I am a writer. That is what I am happiest doing – since I was a little girl. And so, I leave to write – and to start a new path for myself.

I hope you’ll come along with me.


  1. Congrats on the new career as a bouncer, we are all so proud! Seriously, I will miss you and read all that you write.

    Enjoy Israel!

  2. I miss you today in the next door office. You were such a fresh of breathe air around here!!!


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