Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year, From My Bed

I was really planning on blogging today. I owe yall a huge post on the DFV plus a post on my New Years Resolutions.

Unfortunately, I am confined to my bed after a New Years celebration that included way too much of the following: wine, champagne, vodka, and tacos.

If you'll excuse me, I will be in bed watching The Soup reruns until I feel like a human being again. Thanks for your patience!


  1. Hi.... I found you blog.. Mexico wasn't the same without your family.. I hope you get some rest..... Tell everyone hello..Talk to you soon Debby...

  2. Hi... Debby sent me your blog, now I'm trying to be a Follower. Fun meeting your DF. LOL! Nancy Grossman


so sorry for the word verification - the spam was out of control - but please leave a comment, it SERIOUSLY makes my day!