Monday, March 29, 2010

This Holiday Can Passover Me

Passover. Ughhhhh.

Sure, I like getting together with the fam for Passover dinner. I even don’t mind the actual Seder part (of course, I count down pages until we reach page 19 -- the page that says “Dinner is served.”) But the whole “no eating carbs” thing, coupled by the fact that I am still scarred by NEVER EVER finding the afikomen, plus I HATE the taste of matzah, and gefilte fish makes me want to KILL MYSELF.... it’s just not my favorite Jewish holiday. I really should have added it to this list.

Tonight’s Seder was relatively uneventful. We had it at my cousin’s house in New York. I was at the kid’s table - surprise, surprise (at this rate, I won’t be sitting with the grownups til I am 40, minimum.)

Oh, did I say uneventful? Well, there was this:

No big deal, just an impromptu dance-off starring my six year old cousin Jamie. Thought you might enjoy that. I don’t know where she got her moves from, but it certainly wasn’t from me. Probably Bailey.

Anyways, happy Passover to all of you! Enjoy your matzah pizzas, matzah brie, matzah with cream cheese, and macaroons. I’ll be in the corner whining about how much I want to eat a sandwich.


  1. Passover dance off... special guest judge, Elijah.

  2. Anyway, Jordan, not anyways./.....

  3. I think I recognize Jamie from America's Best Dance Crew...


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