Friday, July 30, 2010


In the interest of sharing what all I’ve been up to lately besides buying stock in nail polish, I thought I’d write about where I’ve been :)

I like Days of Fun. And yesterday was a major D.O.F.!

As I mentioned in an earlier post this week, Anna’s sister Susan is in town visiting from NY. Susan has spent most of her vacation going to work with Anna (AKA laying out at the JCC pool), but yesterday, Anna had a late meeting and was not going to be able to take her sister with her. She asked me if I would mind hanging out with Sus all day. Would I mind? Def not. Sus is super special and sassy (say that 5 times fast). I knew we would have fun. Just look at this face!

I picked her up yesterday and after a quick manicure, we headed off to the valley. In my opinion, the valley is superb at several food-groups, namely sushi and Israeli food. Sus vetoed both, so I asked her what she was in the mood for. “American food,” she said. In my mind, American food = hot dogs. SCORE. You all know of my love for tubular meats.

I drove us deep, deep into the val, to Fab’s Hot Dogs. This is one of my favorite hot dog places in LA, and I rarely come here. The hot dogs are FANTASTIC, it’s insanely cheap, and best of all, they have fresh tater tots. Amazing.

After lunch, we headed over to my parents house for the afternoon to lay out by the pool. Here is where things got a little nuts. Most of my friends have known me forever, and thus, they have known my family forever. They don’t blink or bat an eye when they’re at my house because INEVITABLY, someone is doing something extremely weird. Let’s face it, the Silvermans are eccentric. Yesterday was no exception, except poor Sus is not used to it.

First, as soon as we walked in the door, my mother yanked us outside and insisted we admire her new project -- for the past few days, she’s been busy SPRAY PAINTING OUR PATIO FURNITURE BLACK. After we were forced to admire her work, we changed into bathing suits and hopped in the pool. Cue Marcela’s appearance. Marcela is our housekeeper, except she’s more like my second mother. She’s been with us for 21 years and basically runs my life, Bailey’s life, and everyone else’s life. She is insanely sassy and hilarious and basically nuts.

Anyways, we were relaxing by the pool when Marcela walked out and started watering the plants AND THE DOG. She then started discussing her belief that I needed to have children - RIGHT AWAY. No waiting for a husband. She also mentioned that she preferred it if I had twins or triplets, and as soon as I had them she was planning on taking them to Mexico for the first two or three years of their lives, to “feed them Mexican fruits and vegetables.” Okay. That’s a lot of crazy.

The afternoon at the Silvermans concluded with some whining on my mom’s part - she was waiting for her friend to pick her up so they could spend the night at the Indian Casino - did someone say GAMBLING ADDICTION? I could tell that Susan was overwhelmed by the Silverman oddities, so we beat a hasty retreat and headed back to the city. After a quick stop at the Fed so I could attend a Birthright recap meeting, we met up with my friends Baker and Sammy for dinner at Orris -- more on that later, I want to do a full recap! It was fantastic, we drank a bottle of wine, the waiter gave us free cocktails, and then Anna arrived to collect Sus. All in all, a SUPER D.O.F.

Today was actually a DOF too, now that I think about it. Today I made my triumphant return to Camp Mahanayim at Stephen S. Wise, where I spent four summers as a senior counselor. One of my dear friends, Abby, is now the director of Camp Mahanayim (which, for you observant Hebrew speakers out there, means Camp Camps in the mother-tongue), and she invited me there for lunch and Shabbat!

It was super fun - crazy to be back there and see campers who I had as kindergarteners who are now in 5th and 6th grade. I am fucking old. Abby and I sat in the camp office eating Subway until her counselors found out I was there and attacked me/dragged me out to play with them. Most of her counselors are coincidentally kids who I’ve taken on the March of the Living, so it was great to see them as well. I thought I was being so sweet and considerate by bringing all the counselors Diddy Reese cookies (side note, 3 dozen cookies at Diddy Reese costs $12. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? Amazing), but meanwhile, I showed up and SOMEONE ELSE HAD ALREADY BROUGHT DIDDY REESE COOKIES. Anyways, a sushi reunion has been planned with the young ones and I am very excited.

I am actually exhausted -- I have a bit of a cold and I am going OUTTTTTT on the town tonight, so that’s all for today. Must go lay in bed, drink Starbucks, and watch reality TV. Have a fab weekend everyone! XOXO

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