Friday, July 2, 2010

Whoa! Bows.

It all started with an email from my sister.

“HI. HOW CUTE ARE THESE SHOES.” followed by a link. I clicked, and fell in love.

I WANT THESE SHOES. They are screaming out to me and begging for me to take them home and let them live in my closet. But until they go on sale, I am not dropping $300 big ones on another pair of sandals, EVEN IF they are amazing. And suede. And colorful. WITH BOWS.

So instead, I will continue to stalk them on the internet. And while I’m stalking them on the internet, I will also stalk other amazing things with BOWS!

Like these adorable dresses - first one from Forever 21, second one from Urban Outfitters...

And this tromp l’oeil tank - WANT THIS!

And this sassy little sparkly bracelet...

And these precious shoes -- I am obsessed with the bow in the back!

And these FANTASTIC Valentino tote. In addition to having a huge bow, it’s leopard. This bag is screaming my name. I am in love.

Not to mention bow headbands, which you can buy anywhere and for any price. These, these, these... I love them all. The bigger the better!

Basically, you cannot go wrong if you’re wearing a bow. Shirts, dresses, hats, jewelry -- bows look cute on everything. And do I even need to mention that Blair Waldorf loves bows? Because anything Blair loves, I love too!

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so sorry for the word verification - the spam was out of control - but please leave a comment, it SERIOUSLY makes my day!