Friday, August 27, 2010

Tales From the Mall

So! Yesterday I went shopping with my mom, and across the United States, Bailey went shopping in New York City. Ordinarily, this would not be noteworthy (as we probably do this 300 out of 365 days in a year), except today, ALL THREE OF US had Amazing Shopping Experiences (all caps).

All afternoon long, we have been squabbling via the phone and the internet about who had the BEST shopping coup. So this is how we’re going to solve it - I am going to share what happened to each of us, and then YOU are going to vote.

I know you are all the kind of people who HATE LEAVING COMMENTS (much to my disappointment) but in this case, YOU’RE GONNA DO IT. It’s quite easy - simply read the entire post, think long and hard (or short and soft) about who should be the winner of this Silverwoman Shopping Contest, and write your pick in the comments.

Here we go...

BAILEY J: Yesterday Bailey went to Apple in NYC, armed with her laptop, which had been working insanely slowly. She arrived two hours early for her appointment (which she had waited two weeks for), and was told that she would have to wait/no one could see her until the exact time of her appointment. Upon hearing that, she said “UGHHHHHH” extremely loudly, which attracted the attention of the Apple cashier. “Whats wrong with your computer?” asked the Apple girl. Bailey explained the problem. “Sounds like you need a new battery. Are you under warranty?” Bailey was not, and told the girl so. “That might cost you a lot of money,” said Apple Girl sympathetically. “UGH UGH UGH” said Bailey. Apple Girl looked around furtively. “Hold on one sec,” she said, and disappeared into the back. Five minutes later, she emerged with a BRAND-NEW battery, popped the old one out, and stuck the new one into Bailey’s computer. “There you go,” she said. BJ was stunned. “What? Huh? Do I owe you anything?” “No,” said Apple Girl. “You can go! I took care of it for you!” Speechless, Bailey left the store with her now-fixed computer, having spent zero dollars.

MAMA: About a month and a half ago, my mom and I were shopping in the Bloomingdales shoe department (aka, I was petting the Fendi leopard heels, and she was going through the sale racks) when she stumbled upon a single pair of majorly discounted, freaking adorable Kate Spade sandals. They were originally $198, and were marked down to $85. Amazing! I tried to find them in my size, but they were the only ones left. She proceeded to buy them and leave them in the trunk of her car until today, when she decided she wasn’t going to wear them and took them into Bloomies to return. Upon arriving at the shoe department and telling the guy behind the counter that she wanted to return them, he looked at her like she was crazy. “They’re so cute, and you got such a good price!” he said. “I know, but they’re still $85, and I haven’t worn them yet, so I should just return them,” she said. “Well...” he said. “What if I do this?” He proceeded to type some shit into the computer, printed out a new return label, and scanned the shoes again. VOILA - $60! “We are having a sale today, so I just gave you a price adjustment.” “Now you have to keep them!” I screamed, while writhing around the counter in jealousy. Needless to say, she did.

ME: So I got some AMAZING birthday presents from my friends and family - truly some fantastic stuff that I am obsessed with. Yall have amazing taste! I know this for a fact, actually, because someone bought me a bag that I already happen to own :) I decided to return the bag and buy something else I loved with the Bloomingdales credit. I arrived at the Bloomies counter and told the lady behind the counter that I needed to exchange it. “Are you sure?” she said. “That’s such a cute clutch!” “I know,” I said. “It’s so cute, and I already have it, so that’s why I’m exchanging it. But it’s not a clutch, it’s a makeup bag!” “It is?” she said. “How do you know?” “It’s lined inside,” I said, and unzipped the bag to show her. Lo and behold, something fell out into my hands - a $50 GIFT CARD! I was literally seconds away from returning the bag (having never opened it), and would have never even known that a Bloomingdales gift card was tucked inside. Thank god for shopping karma!

So, there you have it. Who had the best shopping experience? It’s up to you. You have to vote.

Leave it in the comments. I will tally them up and determine the winner (begrudgingly, if it isn’t me), but I promise to be fair :)

Happy weekend! XOXO


  1. i already lost the guac contest, so i better win this one. my shopping experience was worth the most, and i got the best deal and price (zero!) and product for my money (none!). otherwise, the geek squad man behind the counter may have charged me $300+ for the battery, but this nice check-in lady just handed it over to me. AND i didn't have to wait more than 2 minutes, AND i wasn't under warranty. COME ON! NOT EVEN A QUESTION WHO WINS! i think the winner should win some money or a give away...

  2. this is tough but i think it's between bailey and jor. although each experience was amazing, i have to base this on the actual shopping experience and the overall value. i would have to say bailey got the best deal. not to say that finding a gift card isn't fabulous and exciting, but batteries are SO expensive and that would probably never ever happen to me lol

    you got them on a good day bay! sorry jor - love u! :)

  3. I'm with Bailey. While the other two are great shopping stories, Bailey is the clear winner! Worth the most $$ plus it's for a NECESSITY - and since I'm a practical girl, a computer beats shoes & accessories every time. (Sorry Jordan!)

  4. Im with Bailey too! She spent ZERO dollars. When does tha ever happen at Apple?

  5. Obviously Bailey. DUH!

  6. Bailey-usually people at apple are kind of ass holes, and a little bit elitist. however....i am so jealous of your mothers kate spade sandals that it hurts.

  7. I think you were all winners and what amazing shopping experiences - however I agree that Bailey really got something for nothing!! What a nice girl at the Apple store - she is the one that should be rewarded for her act of kindness.

  8. I say Jordan...bonus always wins and the battery lady was nice but bonus is the winner. Though who can choose between the silverman women, you gotta love them all.


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