Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A Birthday Coincidence - And It's Pink!

This is my first official post as a 25 year-old! WEIRD! Okay, not really. Whatevs, moving on. It’s Wednesday... PINK!

So yesterday, I awoke from my slumber, stretched, yawned, and realized... it was my birthday! YAY YAY. I picked up my phone -- 8 missed calls and 16 emails :) off to a good start. I listened to my voicemails and then checked my email.

Happy Birthday email, Happy Birthday email, Bloomies sale, Tory Burch discounts, Happy Birthday email, and then this, from my friend Jackie:

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! For your birthday, look what's on Gilt today!”


Weeks ago, Jackie and I headed out for dinner with a bunch of our pals, and when we got out of the car to meet everyone, I glanced at her feet and literally screamed. She was wearing these:

And I almost passed out on the floor. Fell in love immediately. Knew I NEEDED THEM. They are SUCH Jordan Silverman shoes!

Of course, lucky Jackie had scored them on sale at Cusp, and they had no more pairs :( I did a little internet stalking and found them online, but they were full price ($169) and I just couldn’t justify spending that.

But then lo and behold, on the day of my birth, there they were on Gilt - for a mere $69!What an amazing birthday coincidence! Naturally, I ran to my computer and bought those fuckers in the time that it usually takes me to toss the covers off and climb out of bed.

And now the shoes I loved are mine -- for an amazing discount! I am so excited - pink and black, patent leather... some of my favorite combinations!

Speaking of things I am excited about... tomorrow I am off to Vegas for Labor Day Weekend! Can’t wait to shop, eat, tan, see Viva Elvis, and GAMBLE. I’m bringing my computer with me so I’ll update a few times from there :)

And before I go, I just want to say THANK YOU to everyone who called, texted, emailed, Twittered, and Facebooked me to give me birthday wishes :) I love you all so much!


  1. i love them! obvs. they are super comfy too. i walked like 3 miles in them straight outta the box... they kind of put tory flats to shame.

  2. Now THAT'S a shopping story that just might beat Bailey!! ;-)


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