Friday, December 31, 2010

Bring On The New Year

I truly cannot believe the year is over. It seems like just yesterday I was putting on my sparkly gold dress and heading out to ring in 2010 with Anna and GB (and starting the year off right with my head in a toilet, but we don’t have to focus on that!).

I feel like the year has flown by so fast, but at the same time, I’ve done so many things in the past few months. I guess that’s one of the best parts about having a blog – it’s like a diary where I can look back and see what I was thinking or doing (or, let’s face it, eating or buying) on any certain day in my life.

A year ago at this time, I was in a completely different place. I felt uninspired, bored and disillusioned, I was still getting over a heartbreak, I missed my friends across the country something fierce, and I had just quit my job and had no idea what to do next. Life wasn’t miserable, but I felt stuck.

And now here I am, looking back, and I have to say, things worked out pretty well. I have a great new job. My heart has healed and I’m ready for love again. I had the opportunity to go new places and have new experiences and meet new friends, some of whom I already cannot imagine my life without.

And best of all, I started writing again. And wonder of all wonders, people actually wanted to read what I had to say! It never ceases to thrill or amuse me when someone tells me they love reading my blog, and I hope you’ll stick around. (After all, there are so many more pink things and trips to Israel and new restaurants to talk about!) Without a doubt, writing is the thing that makes me happiest, and the fact that I’ve spent this whole year doing just that is surely one of the reasons why I have a smile on my face today.

I will always remember 2010 as being the year that I finally felt happy and settled in my post-college, grownup-girl-in-LA life. My life may not be perfect – it’s filled with far too many department store tantrums and cupcake binges and road rage for that – but it’s mine and I love it :)

Happy, happy new year! I can’t wait to see what adventures 2011 will bring!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you started writing again, too! I know the feeling you're referring to... stuck and uninspired, all too well. Blogging has helped me with that too.

    Looking forward to a great 2011! (And be sure to post a pic of whatever you may wear!)

    Happy New Year!!


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