Friday, December 17, 2010

Putting A Smile on My Face Today

It's Friday... YAY! This week has been long and I can't wait for a few days off. Here's a list of a few things putting a smile on my face today:

It's RAINING! Oh my gosh, I love the rain. Every night I look at the weather report for the next day and run into my roommate's room to report the forecast (I have dubbed myself the apartment's weather girl). I was so excited to see that rain is predicted for the whole weekend - I plan on wearing sweats and Uggs, lounging on the couch, and venturing out only for snacks and movies... and when I do, you better believe I'll be wearing my new coat to keep me warm!

I'm going to see Kathy Griffin tonight! Greene Bean and I are huge fans of KG and laughed our asses off after seeing her show last year, so for GB's birthday I surprised her with KG tickets! And I don't want to jinx it, but we MAY also be having a little surprise at the end of the show, too... I'll report back and let you know what happens! Can't wait for tonight!

Stupid Net-A-Porter sent me an email with some of their new stuff, and I have fallen in love with this Diane von Furstenberg dress. I love it - look how pretty the combo of bright flowers and black and white stripes is - they go so well together! I want to wear it in winter with black tights and wedge booties and a blazer, and then all by itself this summer with a little pair of black strappy sandals. IT IS GORGEOUS AND I NEED IT.

And finally, my GIVEAWAY! Have you entered yet? I've partnered up with CJ Recht Jewelry to give away a gorgeous diamond necklace. What are you waiting for?! Go enter now, and tell your friends!

That's all for today :) Hope you have a fantastic weekend!


  1. That coat and that dress - love them BOTH! I am on a shopping spree and it's looking like it's not stopping!

  2. i need the dozen and a half diamond ring i loveee itt!!!
    i love all of it!!


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