Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Boys Don't Get Pink

Yall. Jacob is here. I picked him up from the airport and within forty-three seconds of getting in my car, he demanded I allow him driving privileges and shouted at several LA natives NOT to bring their dogs with them to the airport. Then we went to dinner and he ate four scoops of ice cream. Four!

Last night he laid next to me on the couch flipping back and forth between The Godfather and What Not To Wear. When I started blogging and reminded him that I needed to select something pink to feature on today’s blog, he sat up and yelled, “I have no pink for tomorrow!” Yeah, I couldn’t make this up if I tried.

Anywho, today’s pink item is actually something I bought yesterday while killing time at Forever 21 while waiting for Jake’s flight to land. I walked into the store, saw this hanging on a rack, and immediately knew it had to be mine. Um, pink leopard print? Yeah, I knew it was coming home with me.

Every once in a while, Forever 21 comes out with an item of clothing that looks completely different than their normal stuff - that is to say, elegant, high quality, and well made. This shirt falls into that category for sure - it truly looks like something I could have purchased at Nordstroms or Bloomingdales or a fancy little boutique. If you’re in the market for a new sassy top, I highly recommend - and it’s less than $20 to boot!

(Hilarious side note: while searching for an image of the shirt on, I scrolled past a zillion shirts when Jacob suddenly yelled “THERE IT IS” from over my shoulder. UHHHHHHH WRONG. This is what he thought was the shirt I bought, despite staring at the actual piece of clothing right in front of him. When I looked at him like he was a moron, he was like, “What? It’s totally the exact same shirt.” Boys are SO DUMB.)

Ladies and gentlemen, this is my best friend. It’s gonna be a great couple of days :)


  1. Love it! Finding something like that at F21 is the best!!!

  2. Adorbs! Great find.
    But, did I just see in your previous post your a BELIEBER?! Oh my! hahaha

  3. Omigosh! I haaaaaaaate this dude. I hate him. Do you hear me? I HATE HIM! I prefer the Japanese singing group Vocaloid instead. But not him! Not him! NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. I mean it. I hate this guy.


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