Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I'm Ready for Pink Feet!

The weather is schizophrenic and it’s making me sad.

We all know I don’t mind cold weather - I am one of those rare Los Angelinos who actually likes wearing her boots and scarves and coats! But apparently when I was in Texas over the weekend, it POURED in LA. Like torrential downpour monsoon poured. Brentwood lost power.

I don’t understand! Literally a week ago, it was the most gorgeous day outside ever. I ran right out and got a pedicure with this:

Essie French Affair

And then came home and fell in love with these online:

Aren’t they gorgeous? They also come in black and yellow, which are super cute too, but obviously I prefer the pink. I love how the bow is grosgrain and the rest of the shoe is patent leather - they actually kind of remind me of a combination of a few different Kate Spade sandals (this one and this one) which both retail for a LOT more money. These are less than $50! I might use that as an excuse to buy two pairs :)

I can’t think of a more perfect spring combination - bright, shiny pale pink polish with a gorgeous pair of hot pink girly sandals. Now it just needs to get warm out outside so I can bring out my new sandals and show off my new pedicure!


  1. Look at those adorable sandals! I want them right now! Have a great day doll.

    Have you heard about my good news? Kori xoxo

  2. omg i am going to get those sandals today! i love them!!!!!

  3. I'm convinced that you and I were separated at birth. I love French Affair and have it on my nails now. I love those sandals and will have to buy them soon for warmer spring and summer days!


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