Thursday, March 17, 2011

Off to the Rodeo... YEE HAW!


After EIGHT long years of being friends with my Southern friends, Jordan Marisa Rose is FINALLY going to Texas to experience her first REAL LIVE RODEO!!!!!!

To say I am excited about this is an understatement. For eight long years I have heard nonstop chattering from Julie and Bragman and Greene and Alyssa about how truly amazing the Houston Rodeo is. I have no idea why on earth it’s taken me this long to finally make it out there for one, but last year after GB returned to LA after rodeo-ing it up all weekend, I finally declared “THAT’S IT! 2011 is the year.”

I’m looking forward to wearing these:

And seeing this:

And petting these:

And seeing THIS MAN live in concert:

I leave for Texas tonight, and you can be sure I am counting down the minutes. So SEE YA LATER YALL, this LA girl is off to the great state of Texas for the weekend!!! And at the risk of alienating everyone I know in Los Angeles... YEE HAW! :)


  1. Lucky!!!!! I want those boots..take lots of pics! I think you already know, but I'm having a great Spring giveaway that ends tomorrow! Make sure you enter if you haven't already! Have a fantastic day honey! Kori xoxo


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