Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Frame It In Pink

Yesterday I finally got around to printing photos off my camera memory card. I am usually really good about updating the pictures inside my frames around my apartment and office, but for some reason I hadn’t done it in months. Now I have 150 pictures on my way to me and I’m excited to swap out my pictures and get to reminisce every time one of them catches my eye!

You all know I collect picture frames, right? I do. I have tons. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t NEED another one, but I saw this at Target a little while ago and thought it was super cute, and of course, PINK!

Such a gorgeous bright hot pink, and for less than $20 how could anyone pass it up? I could do without the strange looking baby inside but hey, I’m gonna cover it up anyways with one of the pics I just ordered... like one of these, for example!

This post was half a traditional Pink Wednesday post and half an excuse to post photos of me and my fabulous friends :)

Aren’t we the cutest?


  1. You need a digital frame! :-) It has saved me from drowning in pics!

  2. Two samuels. 1 post. Dominating.


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