Tuesday, June 28, 2011

It's Britney Bitch!

OMFG. How have I NOT filled you in on the Britney concert yet?! What a bad blogger I am!

YOU GUYS. It was amazing. SHE was amazing. I am so obsessed with her. It was so much fun!

Last Monday night, fellow die hard fan Greene Bean and I trekked downtown to the Staples Center for the Femme Fatale extravaganza. After a delicious meal at Rock-N-Fish at L.A. Live, it was time: we walked across the street to Staples to take our usual “WE ARE ABOUT TO SEE BRITNEY OMFG” photo and headed on in!

Nicki Minaj opened for her. To be perfectly honest I am not a Nicki Minaj fan so I was rather unimpressed (to be fair, I usually don’t give a shit about anyone who opens for Brit because I’m just too excited for her to come out), but I will say, everyone else seemed to love her! Also important to note: that woman has a MOUTH on her. I have been known to have a potty mouth myself but lord in heaven, even I was blushing at her lyrics a little bit. (In rereading that sentence I am shocked by how old I sound. WOW. I’m like a grandma.)

ANYWHO! After an INTERMINABLE wait, it was finally time for my girl to come out… and she totally rocked it! I’ve seen every one of her tours, and most recently, went to Circus both times it was in LA, and in my opinion she performed FAR better than she did two years ago. She seemed totally into it – she was energetic and focused and smiled and talked to the audience way more than the last time.

Best part of the show? When she whipped out her old-school moves for (I’m A) Slave For You. GB was freaking out!

Worst part of the show? That honor would have to go to the FREAKY OLD GUY who sat in front of us, wearing a Britney Spears t-shirt, looking through his binoculars and NOT SAYING A WORD the entire time. He was like 60 years old. What a total creeper.

More Brit amazingness:

My girl riding a guitar!

And obv here we are during a costume change, smiling super big:

I’m so glad we went – Britney has still got it! SHE LIVES YALL!!!

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