Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Looking for Leopard

Remember when I helped my rabbi find a new tote bag? I had so much fun doing that. And now someone else has asked me for shopping help too!

I got this tweet the other day from a pal from college:

Naturally, I wrote back immediately and asked for more details. Colors? Budget?

Which she provided:

So off to work I went! Danielle lives in San Francisco where it’s usually chilly and layers are key, so I understand the need to buy a scarf in the middle of summer, but I had to be a little creative since it’s June and retailers aren’t exactly rolling in scarves these days. My usual prospects such as Nordstrom and Bloomingdales aren’t carrying any currently, and leopard print isn’t exactly an Anthropologie mainstay. But I persevered through the interwebs, and here’s what I found!

Let’s start off with this one. I love how big it is (read: warm!) and the larger-than-normal black spots are so modern. ($29)

Everyone knows I love tassels. How could I not fall in love with a leopard/tassel combo!? ($14.50)

The reviews for this one from Gap say it’s super soft, and I love the muted leopard print. ($23.99)

If Danielle wants something a little different, this one from Shop Ruche has some sweet flowers thrown into the mix. ($15.99)

Personally, I love infinity scarves – I think they look so chic! This one from Express comes in two great colors. ($20.93)

Of course, if Danielle happens to come into a sudden windfall and wants to spend a little MORE on this leopard scarf purchase, she can always buy this Yves Saint Laurent beauty (as long as she buys one for me too, that is)! ($995)

Loved this project – loved the hunt and you know I love me some leopard! Which one was your favorite?

And of course, if you have a shopping project for me, PLEASE let me help! It’s so fun for me!


  1. What if I just need help with an entirely new wardrobe? I have barely shopped since college and am now down to some much boring-ness I can hardly stand it. Budget is super small; taste is super expensive.

  2. Torrid has a nice leopard print infinity scarf as well Comes in grey or your standard, brown. These are not heavy though, but are great for the look of a scarf w/out the bulk.

  3. I. HATE. YOU.

    I never thought that a leopard print scarf was something that I absolutely needed to have.

    I was wrong apparently.

  4. I am such a fan of the leopard infinity scarf! Super cute!


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