Monday, June 6, 2011

Summer Spots

So you want to know what the first thing I bought was, huh?

Does it come as ANY surprise that it was something LEOPARD?!

My mom dragged me to the mall during NO SHOPPING MAY (I know, how rude of her!) and I fell in love with these in Nordstrom. She offered to buy them for me as a gift (thus NOT breaking NO SHOPPING MAY) but one of the other things I’ve vowed to do is to think about my major purchases before I make them. So I thanked her and said no, I needed to think about it.

It took about fourteen seconds after we left the mall for me to think about it and decide HELL YES I wanted them. So June 1st, I hopped onto the computer and ordered them!

And these are not the only leopard babies I’m loving. I feel like everywhere I look, I’ve been seeing fabulous animal print accessories that are adding so much OOMPH to everyone’s outfits! I can’t tell you how much I love that… you know I consider leopard print to be a neutral :)

Some leopard lovies I wouldn't mind calling my own:

To me aviators are so summery.
I'm sort of in the market for a new pair of sunglasses... maybe these are the ones?

(I don't think I could pull these off, but if YOU can, get them!)

This may be the week I make the switch to iPhone from Blackberry...
maybe this case will help me through the transition?

Um... I think I need this. Yeah.

Gorgeous leopard everywhere I look. And now that I can shop again... nothing's stopping me!

1 comment:

  1. I want EVERY SINGLE THING on this list. AMAZING!!! I have to ahve those Dolce glasses. The Sam Edelman's are sitiing in my Nordstrom Wish List on I have to buy!?!

    Loving your blog!


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