Monday, July 11, 2011

Cooking With the Queen

So lately I have been trying to NOT be an idiot about it.

I’ve been making a huge effort to start cooking more. I’ve stumbled upon all these recipe blogs written by home chefs who post the most delicious sounding recipes and it’s gotten me so excited to try recreating dishes at home. Plus, I’ve been going to the Brentwood Farmer’s Market every Sunday morning for the past few months, and all the produce looks so delicious, I can’t stop buying fresh fruit and vegetables. Those two things combined with the fact that Rami is more than willing to try anything I make for us (and is always very complimentary) mean that I’ve been spending a LOT of time in the kitchen. And I’m loving it!

Last week I was reading Smitten Kitchen and saw this recipe for Asparagus, Goat Cheese, and Lemon Pasta. I LOVE goat cheese and anything lemon-y, and had seen some gorgeous asparagus at the market the week before, so I knew I had to make this. My modifications: I skipped the tarragon, added extra pepper and used truffle salt instead of regular to spice it up differently. The result? It was shockingly easy and unbelievably good!

Please excuse this shitty photo:

poor R was midbite when I realized that I hadn’t taken any pictures of the final product.

A food stylist I am not.

I also made something that I LOVE eating and had no idea how truly easy it was to make - roasted garlic! I served it with a big French roll and it was the perfect accompaniment to the pasta. When I googled “how to roast garlic” (told you I was a fucking beginner) this was the first recipe that came up, and it, too, couldn’t have been easier.

If you are looking for a yummy, easy summery dish, this is it, yall. I spent maybe 20 minutes in the kitchen and I can’t believe how good it turned out. I HATE eating leftovers and I was so glad I had a Tupperware full of extra pasta - I couldn’t wait to eat it and it was just as good the second time!

And stay tuned for more of the Queen’s Kitchen Adventures in the coming weeks! :)


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