Friday, October 28, 2011

My Tried and True

I was getting dressed the other day when I realized that so many of my outfits start with the same things – my “outfit foundation,” if you will. As a LIFELONG shopper, it has taken me years and years and tons of products to find the ones that work best for me.

These are the things I always reach for first in my closet, time and time again. My “tried and true” pieces. I figured I would share some of them with you!

I am not a fancy lady. I do not wear high heels every day – in fact, I can barely manage to wear them out to the bar. (And sometimes when I DO manage to wear them out to the bar, within the hour they are off my feet and I am barefoot. Disgusting.) I am a ballet flat girl through and through. And the Tory Burch Eddies are my favorite. Trust me, if you ever tried the Tory’s that have the big logo on the toe and found them uncomfortable, give the Eddies a try! They are a completely different shoe – padded throughout without a hard scrunchy back. I own them in pink, brown, black glitter, and my new favorite – leopard!

Speaking of being a fancy lady – if you are one of those fancy ladies who buys your basic tank tops from a fancy place like J.Crew, you need to stop that nonsense right now. My absolute favorite tanks cost $9 at Target and no one on earth can tell the difference. They come in one jillion colors, are insanely soft, are also available ribbed and non-ribbed, are super long to go over your butt, and OH AND DID I MENTION $9?!?!?

Speaking of Target and not being a fancy lady, many of my hair and makeup essentials are drugstore items that are totally affordable. I would not be a happy girl without these three products - Clean & Clear Blackhead Eraser Scrub, CoverGirl Lashblast Mascara, and the little baby hairclips they sell in packs of 9. I use those three items every day, no matter what - they are definitely my tried and true!

So I’ve been talking about how I am not a fancy lady but I kind of am, sometimes. Basically every store on earth sells leggings now. You can literally buy a pair for $3.80 at Forever 21. HOWEVER. That cheapy pair of leggings is probably see-through, thin as hell, and will rip the second you are late for work and jam your leggings through them. Don’t waste your $3.80. Spend the extra cash and buy Three Dots leggings. I own NINE PAIRS (holy shit I am a hoarder) – they come in a bunch of different colors and lengths and are totally worth the money. I bought my first three pairs in 2006 before my senior year of college and I STILL wear those all the time!

Okay and now I need to know what your “tried and true” are. What am I missing, people!? Leave it in the comments and I will buy the shit out of it.

Have a great weekend!


  1. I am intrigued by these leggings. I need some new black opaque tights too--control top, obvi. I actually don't like the Spanx because they go up too high on my stomach (is this TMI???). Any ideas on where to find some good, long lasting black tights? Willing to pay more if they last the whole winter, and into next year!!!

  2. OK, I hate American Apparel for a myriad of reasons, but I love their opaque tights (no control top, Blitz). They are soft, comfortable, don't roll and come in a variety of colors.

    I love Dollhouse shoes - they can make a 5" heel comfortable... well, more comfortable than any other 5" heel I've worn.

    Simply Vera by Vera Wang for Kohl's fishnets.

  3. i get great control top tights from HUE (at bloomies). good spend. and if you wait till friends and family, really affordable.

  4. I love HUE tights - I almost included them in this list! I buy mine on sale at Nordstrom Rack!

  5. I use the baby clips too! I put my hair up with them most nights to sleep so I can avoid washing it the next day. :)

  6. Definitely going to try those leggings!

    - Sara @ Gameday Stylist

  7. LOVING all of those picks and recommendations. I heart flats and find heels to be so uncomfortable (but so cute so I still have a ton!)... and of course I'm going to buy some leggings ASAP!

    Hope you had a great weekend! XOXO, Stephanie @ Blonde Highlights

  8. I'm so with you -- I have my favorites too! All Black ballet flats, Neutrogena concealer, and Dior mascara are my musts.
    xo Josie


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