Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Summing Up My Sister

I feel SO guilty about my blogging hiatus/lack of frequent posts, but to add to my already busy life, my sister is in town!

Bailey got in over the weekend and I've been s
pending all my free time after work hanging with her. Any time I get to spend extended periods of time with my sister is interesting - I forget what a strange and truly odd little human being she is. On Monday night we went to dinner at Fig & Olive, where she ordered a hot tea, an ice water, a club soda, and a sangria and declared it "time for a drink buffet."

And last night we met my mom for sushi - yum! While at dinner, I needed to check something on her phone (her iphone has MUCH better internet than I do on my Blackberry) so I borrowed hers and went to Google. As I started typing in what I wanted, the list of things Bailey had recently Googled popped up. Naturally, I couldn't help but look.

Cue the laughter...

guiliana rancic cancer
body fat measure
American Apparel black swan costume
spider bite symptoms
911 call Russell Armstrong
nicki minaj lyrics
lisa vanderpump age?
weight watchers points
target harlem nyc
jake vienna interview
black and white rug

If you happen to know my sister, you are UNDOUBTEDLY nodding your head at the computer right this very instant. And if you do not know her, rest assured, now that you have read that list, you certainly know her now :)

Clearly, she was VERY concerned about the wellbeing of several E! and Bravo stars. I must be honest - I corrected the spelling of "Weight Watchers", but she must have been in such a rush to download the app that we'll have to forgive her spelling errors. Halloween is coming up and she plans on being Black Swan, and apparently after laying outside for a few hours on Saturday she was mysteriously covered in little red spots, hence the Googling of "spider bites." As for grundle... you'll have to look it up yourself. She DID call me over the weekend - on speakerphone! - to ask if I knew what one was. (I did.)

A big post with all my Texas pictures is coming, I swear. To reward you for your patience I promise to post a picture of the biggest pig in the world. 1196 pounds!


so sorry for the word verification - the spam was out of control - but please leave a comment, it SERIOUSLY makes my day!