Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tivo. Starbucks Chai Lattes. Sunshine. Jonah Hill. Seth Rogen. Jason Segel. Kate Spade accessories. Las Vegas. Anything and everything J.Crew. Interior design blogs. Fashion blogs. My own blog. Swedish Fish. My iPad. My Macbook. My iPhone. Anthropologie bedding. GChat. Glee songs. Home Goods. Living walking distance to a Pinkberry. Designer handbags. The Brentwood Farmer's Market. Rainy Saturday afternoons. The Drybar. A good job. Fountain Diet Coke. Movie marathons. A great roommate and a beautiful apartment. Tina Fey. Mindy Kaling. Traveling. The South. Open Table points. Karaoke. Sparkly ballet flats. The Bloomingdales Friends & Family sale. Salted caramel ice cream. Dive bars. Spicy tuna on crispy rice. Sea urchin sushi. Fresh flowers every weekend. Costume jewelry. Cozy Ugg slippers. Sequin blazers. Facebook. Twitter. Three-way phone calls with best friends. Finally learning how to cook. Homemade dinners for loved ones. Missoni for Target. The Rose Bowl Flea Market. Fresh tomato and burrata salads. Barnes & Noble. Top Chef. Long showers. My adorable boyfriend. Amazing friends. The best family. Health. Happiness. Love.

I am thankful for so much!


  1. love this! i'm thankful for at least two dozen of the same. amused that chai lattes came in first. :)

  2. Aw, what a cute post. HAPPY Thanksgiving, hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend! xoxo


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