Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Pretty Prints

I LOVE buying unique artwork and prints and unfortunately, I need to do it on a budget. I’ve blogged about my love for 20x200 before, so imagine how excited I was when I came across Society 6!

It’s one of those websites that’s probably been around forever, but it’s new to me and I’m super excited about it. The coolest thing about the site? The artwork that you choose can be printed onto a variety of different things, like laptop skins, iPhone cases, sweatshirts, canvases, t-shirts, you name it!

You can search by category, too, which I appreciate – helps to navigate the site easily. I chose “Abstract”, since that’s my favorite type of artwork. Here are some of my favorites:


Bianca Green


Sandra Dieckmann


Kris Tate


Kate Kosek


Budi Satria Kwan


Stephen Womack


Stephen Womack

I am especially partial to the last two, by Stephen Womack. I LOVE me some color – I would totally buy these as canvases or frame them with a simple white frame and hang them side by side. Maybe I’ll do just that!

Are you familiar with Society 6? See anything you like?

Note: this is not a sponsored post. I just think this website is cool so I wanted to share it with all of you! :)


  1. Ooh, I love these! I think that the chevron-esque one is my favorite.

  2. I love Society6- they have some really cool prints there! I have spent many work hours, oops, searching that site for fun art!


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