Friday, January 13, 2012

Crate & Barrel Lust

I have a hole burnt in my pocket. A gift card to Crate & Barrel is the culprit.

Get it?! I really make myself laugh sometimes.

No but seriously, I've had this gift card to old C&B for months now, and haven't spent any of it. And every month I get their newest catalogue in the mail, and ooh and ahh over so many things in it! I know I should be saving it for a future big furniture purchase or something (a bed! a couch! a coffee table!), but part of me wants to say "Screw it!" and go buy some pretty little things.

Like these napkins, for instance. I'm swooning! Rainbow colors AND stripes? These are so up my alley it hurts. These are already in my cart... I can't promise I won't buy them! ($34.95 for a set of six)


Wouldn't these candlestick holders look great on a table set for a picnic in spring? I love their curvy shape. You can buy them separately or in a set! ($44.95 for three)


These placemats are seriously gorgeous. Each one is in the shape of a flower - look how delicate the little petals are! I have seriously contemplated buying these many a time in the store... the only question is, metallic silver or metallic gold? ($7.95 each)


I KNOW right now my mother is reading this and rolling her eyes - "I love neutrals. How is it possible this color-loving child is mine?!" But I can't help it - I think this rug is great! True, it'd be a little overwhelming in a large size, but I think it'd look great in a kitchen or as a runner in an entryway.


I don't know if there's an official name for them, but I actually collect vases that look like this - ones with bright colors swirling around. I like the compact shape - and the low price - of this one! ($14.95)


What do you think? See anything you fancy? Do you think I should save my giftcard for something big and reasonable... or continue to let it set my pockets on fire? :)

Maybe I'll take a trip over there in person this weekend. Speaking of weekends, I've got a three day one ahead of me. See you next week!


  1. Love the first three items. The other two, meh. What can I say? I'm the yin to your yang.

  2. i like a lot the last one. happy weekend

  3. Love those napkins!

    - Sara @ Gameday Stylist


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