Thursday, January 19, 2012

Kitchen Improvisation!

As someone who still feels relatively new to cooking and baking, whenever I’m making something new, I follow the recipe exactly. I’ve been waiting and waiting until the day I felt comfortable enough to start improvising on my own... and that day has come!

Last Saturday night, Rami and I got invited last minute to our friend’s house for a game night! I never like to go anywhere empty handed, but I had already gone to the market that morning and was too lazy to go again... so I figured I’d see if I had anything already in the pantry that I could whip up before we went.


What did I find? A can of crescent rolls, a jar of chunky peanut butter, and a half-empty bag of chocolate chips... I could work with that!

These little peanut butter/chocolate rolls were the easiest things I’ve ever made. I literally rolled out each triangle of dough, spread some peanut butter all over it, sprinkled some chocolate chips over them, and rolled em up! I baked them for 12 minutes at 350 degrees on an ungreased cookie sheet - they came out piping hot, golden brown, and smelled DELICIOUS!


I was feeling EXTREMELY proud of myself for both coming up with this recipe and actually executing it without a recipe or causing any fires... until Gerrick burst my bubble by informing me that it is a well-known and popular recipe on Pinterest! Oh well. I had no idea, so I guess it still counts :)


Three ingredients. Less than 20 minutes. And our friends loved them! Couldn’t be easier or yummier. I highly recommend!


  1. That's too funny! I actually hadn't heard of this recipe before and they look tasty too me, so I will give the credit for this one to you!

  2. Looks awesome and I too will give you full credit! Love your quick thinking on this one!

  3. OMG this sounds amazing. Why have I not thought about this before??? 3 of my favorite things all in 1!

  4. YUM! Great idea. These are very similar in process to my rugulah (search on the blog, if interested). They're always a HUGE hit. These sound delicious... will be testing out next opportunity.


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