Thursday, March 1, 2012

Swooning for Swoozies

Right before leaving Dallas, Gerrick insisted we make one more stop. "You're going to love this store!" she promised, as she pulled into the Swoozie's parking lot. Good god, was she right.


I am sure that all of you who live in the south are already very familiar with Swoozie's but I had never even heard of them! Why don't places like this exist in Los Angeles? It's probably for the best - I swear I would be living on the street if they did. I loved the entire store and I know without a doubt that it would be my first stop anytime I was throwing a party or buying a gift for someone. Their selection was SO cute!

I want to buy everything they sell - including but not limited to:


Money Can't Buy Happiness sign - $29.95 (as seen on my Instagram!)

Wineglasses and notepads and travel accessories and kitchen gear, all in one place?! Plus, they carry goodies from Jonathan Adler, Lilly Pulitzer, Nico & Lala... basically every home accessory brand I love.

And how's this for great news? Right now you can get 20% off your entire order until March 12th with the code happy11th. Go on, get to shopping!

Please note: this is not a sponsored post. I just thought this store was the cutest!


  1. Wow, loveloveLOVE it! How did I not know about this store? Thank you!

  2. hahahaha too bad bitching doesnt burn calories- SERIOUSLY!

  3. They had one back home in Jacksonville. I nearly cried when I went home and it had closed. GREAT stuff indeed!

  4. Did you buy anything? I love their website and have always wanted to go to a real store.


so sorry for the word verification - the spam was out of control - but please leave a comment, it SERIOUSLY makes my day!