Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Most JOYOUS Austin Wedding Ever!

WELL! I am back from an exhausting but freaking AMAZING weekend in Austin, Texas and I have approximately one billion photos to share :) that's what happens when you get to reunite with all your best friends for a very special celebration in honor of two very special people!

I flew to Austin Friday and got in on Friday night just as the first wedding weekend activity was kicking off - a cocktail party by the bride's parents' pool. As soon as the cab dropped me off I ran up the stairs and into the arms of my friends and the fun began immediately!


Everyone looked beautiful... ESPECIALLY Gerrick, considering she and I were wearing the exact same outfit - brightly colored jeans and a shirt we both bought last year while shopping in Houston! Since we no longer live in the same city I forgot how often that used to happen :) (oh and if you're wondering how the hell I'm so tan in all these pictures, YUP I got a spray tan!)


After that party Friday night and a few hours at a bar dancing to Lady Gaga and catching up over Abita Strawberry, we got some rest in time for our first fun-filled day. We spent Saturday walking around South Congress, visiting Austin's food trucks, and eating some crawfish as a little appetizer before lunch at South Congress Cafe. So fun - but so goddamn hot. It was 100 degrees and like 90 percent humidity!


That night we all got ready for the rehearsal dinner - held at the famous Salt Lick BBQ! I loved how pretty and colorful everyone looked - so summery.


I will point out something you may have noticed in the above picture - guess who is the only one who DOESN'T own cowboy boots? (Anna has a pair but didn't bring them.) You can take the girl out of California but you can't take California out of the girl - I opted for a very LA-esque pair of suede fringed sandals instead :)


The rehearsal dinner was fantastic - heartfelt speeches, tables covered in red gingham tablecloths and flowers stuffed into cowboy boots as centerpieces, and of course, all you can eat BBQ :) I posed for lots of pictures with pals in my sassy polka dot dress:


Arizona AEPhi FPC 03 + Justin :)


No trip out of town is complete without some awkward photos posing in bars - this one is no exception.  Fun fact: when someone or something is being super awkward, I like to pose with one or both of my arms at a right angle dangling next to my body. Obviously you can see my friends have picked up on this quirk as well :)


Next Sunday rolled around and it was time for the wedding! Half our pals were off being bridesmaids so in their absence, we toured Austin some more and posed by the famous LOVE graffiti before heading back to the hotel to get ready...


And then it was time to board the busses for the wedding! I wore my new Pour La Victoire wedges and this gorgeous Julie Dillon dress. Me and Greene Bean matched in our Kendra Scott Danielle earrings, too!


As for the wedding itself... it was beautiful. It was outside on a hill overlooking the most beautiful Texas landscape and the moment Joy stepped out, I burst into tears. I NEVER think I'm going to cry at weddings and yet I ALWAYS do... but I just get so happy for my friends I can't help it. (I am going to be a goddamn wreck at Gerrick's wedding, I can't even.)


As soon as the rabbi pronounced them husband and wife, Joy and Justin had a little surprise of their own for us - "Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I'm Yours" came over the speakers and the entire bridal party danced back down the aisle. So funny! Look how cute these newlyweds are!


Three gorgeous bridesmaids and a lady in stripes :)

The rest of the night was perfect - the band was fantastic and we all had so much fun dancing with each other for hours! And of course - we squeezed in one more group shot :)


Now the weekend is over and I'm back in LA, but I know two things for sure - I have the most amazing friends in the world, and the new Mr. and Mrs. Solomon are going to be very happy together for the rest of their lives :) Congrats, you two! I am so lucky to have friends like you and I'm so glad I could be there to help celebrate!


1 comment:

  1. I can tell you are in Austin by all of the KS jewels ;)

    Looks so fun! and the dancing down the aisle? AWESOME!


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