Friday, June 1, 2012


I did it! I successfully made it through an entire month without shopping for the second year in a row. Big gold star for me!


I am proud to say that after last year's NO SHOPPING MAY, I successfully broke myself of the habit of killing time at the mall at lunch or after work. Going into NSM this year, I knew exactly what would be hardest for me - online shopping! Yup, I still haven't managed to resist the lure of online shopping. It's just too easy to click and add something sparkly to my cart!

(PS. Can I just tell you how hard it was to NOT shop during all the amazing Memorial Day Weekend sales? Not to mention I logged on to buy the Mara Hoffman Soludos... and they are ALL SOLD OUT! Damn you NSM, that was a limited edition collection I missed out on!)

Anyway. Enough reflecting. I bet you're dying to know what I bought, right?

Well, once again, just like last year, my first purchase was a pair of leopard shoes! I'm nothing if but predictable :)

I had had my eye on this pair of Rebecca Taylor sandals for a while, and my mom surprised me with them as a gift, but unfortunately, I didn't love them on :( Instead, I opted for these DVF sandals (on sale, no less) - ordered them online today! I'll keep ya posted if I decide to keep them!


Wishing you all a fabulous weekend! Let's be honest, I'll probably be in the mall if you need me :)


  1. It’s funny because I too decided to put a hold on shopping. I just looked at my closet and realized I just had way too much stuff with tickets still on them! So, I decided to test myself and put the cards and cash away. I started this 11 days ago and I haven’t bought one thing yet. I've had plenty of chances but I've been good. Don’t know how long I’m going to pull this for but reading your post the least I’ll do is a month too. Don’t know how hard this will get. My goal is to use every last piece of clothing I already have and toss the ones that I don’t use and give up on those I don’t fit in to. Love your blog BTW. Much love, Lola.

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  3. Congrats! Those shoes look fab..

  4. Congratulations! Love those DVF sandals <3

  5. WOOT! WOOT!! So proud of you! I am going to have to do a no shopping month in July so I can go to MEXICO in August! Ha. You will be my inspiration and go to girl when I need support! :)

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