Thursday, August 2, 2012

Guest Posting Today!

It's been a while since I've written a guest post for another blogger pal and I was way overdue! Which is why I was so thrilled when Erika took me up on my offer to write one for her :)

If you're not familiar with her blog Shop Talk then you better familiarize yourself fast - she is insanely talented! She also runs her own brand styling company called Small Shop Studio, and she's responsible for the amazing design behind some amazing brands.

Her blog is one of my favorite daily reads and I am truly honored to be featured there today. Head on over right now - I'm posting about some fun ways to jazz up a neutral space with colorful pillows!


  1. Coming over from Small shop... I LOVE every single pillow! Great options and happy house decorating :-)


  2. Yay! So happy to have you over today. And so happy for you and your BF. What an awesome decision!

  3. Erika is such a sweetheart. Just hopped on over from her blog. She says you're funny and I love funny girls. I actually just shared a picture of our bedroom using a leopard pillow. Psychic waves. : )


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