Friday, August 10, 2012

Moving Day!


Today is the day!

The movers are scheduled to arrive at 8am and my entire life is in boxes. Good thing I'm only moving eight apartment buildings down the street! :) 

I took the day off work so I could unpack and start getting organized. The good news is that we've had the keys for a while, so we've slowly been bringing things over all week. Ram's clothes are all there, I unpacked a bunch of things and put them in the linen closet yesterday, and I'm delighted that last week in a sudden burst of energy, we packed up and moved the entire contents of my kitchen to the new place, so at least one room is already done!

Thank god for my mother, who is coming to help us unpack everything. She's the best :) Wish us luck - it's been a jillion degrees in LA this week so we are sure to be a sweaty mess through the entire process. Oh joy. 

I'll be back next week, hopefully with pictures so stay tuned for that :)

I can't believe the next time I blog I will be living with a BOY!!! 


  1. Good luck with the move! You'll have a blast unpacking together (and if
    Ram's like my beau, weeding through some bachelor decorations that may not find a place in the new house...haha). Hope it all goes well and can't wait to see all of the new decor!


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