Thursday, October 25, 2012

A Life Update

This blog is a sparkly place. I like it that way. I like it filled with stories about fun adventures and pictures of cute babies and links to sequined designer shoes I want to buy. I like reading through my old posts and being reminded of amazing things I've done and seen and bought and experienced and accomplished.

Which is why I don't like to talk about things that are not so sparkly. Real life is messy and complicated, and sometimes when things are rough, it's easier to talk about something else on the blog, or simply not post at all. But that's not fair to you, my readers. If this blog is a snapshot of my life, it's not right to keep you in the dark or pretend things aren't happening when they are. After all, if I share the sparkles, I should share the messes too.

Which is why I am writing this post to tell you that last week, I got laid off. My company let 17 people go in a single afternoon last Tuesday. Call it financial problems, call it restructuring, call it budget cuts - all I know is that after more than two years, I no longer work there. I've been in shock for the last week. I never saw it coming. 

I hate change, but I didn't get a choice this time. A change has come, whether I like it or not - so I better get on board.

I am anxious and worried and nervous but also excited. I am not tied to anything anymore. I can take some time to figure it out, to make mistakes, to follow a dream or a passion or a whim, because I'm 27 years old and I've got a lot of life to live and a lot of ideas and passions and love to give.

And I have a feeling a lot of sparkles are headed my way.


  1. Oh Jordan I am so sorry to hear this!! I was laid off from my job a few years ago and it is the absolute worst. I know there are a LOT of sparkles headed your way... keep your head up!

  2. Jordan, I'm so sorry you're life is in flux right now, with a situation you didn't choose. I was laid off a few years ago and as scary as it was, i ended up having time on my hands to take care of so many things I'd put on the back burner. I eventually found a new job, met some wonderful people and learned a ton. You will perservere, I just know it! I don't even know you but am confident that your upbeat personality will land you in an even better place! Keep your chin up and if you ever want to make a trip out to the East Coast, I'd love to have you! :)

  3. YOU, my friend, are a GREAT catch and I know another company is going to scoop you up quickly!

    I was laid off last December and I have made the most of it every single day. This has been the best year of my life! Go out, find you! Have fun and let go of the stress!

    I am sure it was hard to share but your readers appreciate your honesty! Best of luck pretty lady!

  4. Sending you a hug dear. I know exactly where you are coming from because about 3 years ago, I got laid off in a mass layoff of 20 people from a place I had worked at for nearly 2 years. It hurt so bad and made me question myself.

    I just want to let you know I'm here for you with sparkles and snark and whatever else you may need.


  5. Jordan, I am a somewhat new reader / lurker. However, I wanted to write to say I'm sorry to read of your lay-off. BUT, it is great you are looking at this as an opportunity to figure out what you'd like to do.

    I really think you have a great eye and think that you could do a fabulous job as a party planner.....

    Best of luck!

  6. Jordan... I'm so sorry to hear. While we all love sparkles we all adore the real you so I'm glad you felt comfortable enough sharing. We hope you'll share with us your journey to an even more fabulous job! Sending you good vibes.


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