Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Our Visit to The Pumpkin Patch!

I meant to write this post last week - oops. But there's no better time to talk pumpkins than today, right? Happy Halloween!

You may remember that last year, Ram took me to the pumpkin patch. This year, we invited some of our friends and their gorgeous baby to come with us. They suggested we go to an even bigger pumpkin  patch near their house - complete with a corn maze, haunted house, petting zoo, and more - so Ram and I spent a lovely afternoon with Jackie, Offer, and baby Elana at the Halloween Harvest Festival at Pierce College and had a great time!

When we first arrived, the boys decided to go into the corn maze - I had no interest in such things. Instead, Jackie and I took the baby to see the petting zoo!


She loved it - especially the goats! She has good taste, those are my favorite too :) Look at the crazy goat at the top of the enclosure! How did he get all the way up there?!


Rami took a time out to eat a turkey leg - or should I say, a "tureky" leg...


While I convinced Jackie to take a silly photo with me:


Before we left, we of course made our way to the pumpkin patch. I took my time choosing just the right one...


And then I made Ram carry it home :) What a strong gentleman he is. (And sweet - he bought me not one but TWO pumpkins, and even bought Elana a little baby one too!)


I don't know what's cuter - this picture of me and Ram...


Or the same picture with this ADORABLE baby added!


Another great year at the pumpkin patch! Maybe next year I'll get my shit together in time to actually come up with a costume and wear it while picking out of my pumpkin. Highly doubtful but a girl can dream.

Hope you all have a fabulous Halloween! We're hosting a dinner party & game night at our place to celebrate :) Pictures to come soon! 


  1. I ate no turkey leg! An utter fabrication!!!!

  2. How sweet! Pumpkin patches can be so fun! Cute post!



  3. sooo cute!! where is this amazing sweater from? i have to have it!!


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