Friday, November 30, 2012

And I'm Off!

And I'm off!

Tomorrow morning I leave for New York (yes, AGAIN - ha)! I'll be there for one night, staying with my sister, and then early Sunday I head off to the airport to meet my group - aka, my 35 new best friends :)

We got our itinerary a few days ago and it looks amazing - we'll be doing all the awesome stuff normal Birthright trips do (riding camels, hiking Masada, visiting Yad Vashem, touring Independence Hall, staying on a kibbutz) but because this is a special culinary trip, we're also doing a ton of other awesome stuff, some of which I've never done before - like going to wineries and olive oil factories, meeting with Israeli chefs, doing a scavenger hunt of the famous Jerusalem farmer's market... it's going to be amazing!

This print, part of a series by David Klein, hangs on the wall in our bedroom. I see it every morning when I wake up and it makes me smile - and think of my favorite place!

If you miss me, please check my Instagram (@queenjord) - I will be posting lots of pictures, most likely of hummus & pita, Israeli flags, and my smiling face on top of a camel. And I'll be back in two weeks with plenty of stories to tell and pictures to share!


  1. Ah have SO MUCH FUN. I am so so jealous :)


    Safe travels!

  2. Have fun! Sounds like a great trip!


  3. I am SO JEALOUS of this trip!! Two of my favorite things - food and Israel! Please post lotsa pics on instagram and I'll be drooling over the hummus, shakshuka, falafel, shnitzel, shwarma, etc!


so sorry for the word verification - the spam was out of control - but please leave a comment, it SERIOUSLY makes my day!