Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Election Is Over. Let's Talk About Leopard Print.

Well, I'll just say that last night was a great night. I am proud to live in a country that chose to go forward.

When they announced Obama had won, I burst into tears, Rami jumped off the couch and started cheering, and then he kissed me forty-five times. And then I made brownies to celebrate! :)

But way before the brownies (and the pizza... oops) and the victory, R and I were sitting on the couch watching election results come in when my phone buzzed with a text. It was my friend Serena's little sister Abbie:

"My friends and I keep debating about whether or not you can wear brown/tan leopard print during the day. I found these leopard print leggings but they think I can only wear them at night. Thought you would be the best person to ask. What are your thoughts? And I think my friends (who all read your blog) would approve if you post a discussion on your blog."

Abbie - WISH GRANTED. I am truly flattered that I am considered the go-to authority on leopard print related matters. I've worked long and hard to get to the point where my opinion is solicited for such vital things!

Truthfully, this is a no-brainer for me. As I immediately responded to Abbie and as I'm proud to state here, leopard is OF COURSE acceptable during the day. In fact, I am known to say that "leopard is a neutral!" I wear leopard print during the day all the time - some of my favorite items include a leopard chiffon blouse, several leopard dresses, a giant leopard tote bag, and of course, way too many pairs of leopard print shoes. 

But enough about me. Let's see what I came up with for Abbie!


Option #1: A super classy way to wear leopard is to pair it with black and white - you'd be surprised by how neutral it'll feel! I'd wear the leggings with a thin white tissue t-shirt (long or short sleeve) and a super soft black cashmere scarf, with a basic pair of black ballet flats (Tory Burch Eddie's are by far my favorite - so comfortable!).

Option #2: If you want to funk up your leopard a little bit, try it with some color! A go-to in my closet is my denim chambray button down shirt, which would look adorable with leopard leggings. Add some sassy pink suede loafers and a big brown leather bag (how cute is this Gap one!?) and you're good to go!

Basically what I'm trying to say, Ab, is that your new leopard print leggings can ABSOLUTELY be worn during the day. Mazel tov to you on entering the world of leopard print! We've all been waiting for you :)

Anyone else have a fashion question for me? Bring it on!


  1. As a fellow leopard lover, I am saddned by the fact that my soccer legs might be too cheetah-licious in those leopard leggings ;)

  2. AMEN... Leopard all day, every day! Ha! Totally a neutral and the best way to dress up or down and still feel sassy. Great post!

  3. I recetly am loving leopard!! all day everyday!

    I found your blog through Brookes Liebster awards, and wanted to nominate you myself!
    Hope you check it out:)



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