Thursday, January 31, 2013

Back To Work!

Hi friends! I'm back with some fun news - I got a new job!!!

I am proud to announce that next week I start my new job as Manager of Communications at a well-known Los Angeles university. As soon as I read the job listing, I got a special feeling that this was going to be the right position for me - and it was!

I'm thrilled about this new opportunity, and especially proud that the position is actually a step up on the ladder - I'm a manager now! Other perks: my commute is now MUCH shorter, a good friend of mine works at the same place so I'll get to see her, I get my own big office (you know, like a real adult!), and of course, the job itself sounds pretty cool :)

After three months of "funemployment," I am definitely ready to get back to work! In the end, being laid off was not the worse thing in the world - I had money saved up so I could still do fun things with friends, I got to go on some amazing trips to New York and Las Vegas and Puerto Rico and Israel, and I even caught up on my Tivo backlog - but during the past few weeks I've been getting antsy. I'm excited to rejoin the world as a working woman!

Back in October when I first told you all about getting laid off, I was definitely anxious and nervous about my future, but so many of you reached out and left me a comment or sent me an email and told me about how your lives changed for the better once you found yourselves in a similar situation. Your support really helped me and made me feel less alone, and I am very grateful for that. And since yesterday when I made my good news public, I'm already overwhelmed by all the good wishes being sent my way - so thanks for that too!!!

2013 is looking up! New job, let's do this!


  1. Congrats, so happy for you!!

    (And I just totally thought of you as I'm in Puerto Rico wearing the J Crew dress we both have (long w one shoulder) about to go to dinner near where you were on the DFV! Small world!)

  2. WAAAHHHHOOOOOOO!!!! SO HAPPY to hear that. I knew you would bounce back quickly. Sounds fun, you grown up, you!

    I am glad you made the most of the time off and do what you love.

  3. Wonderful news! Can't wait to see the "back to work wardrobe" post.


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