Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thinking Pink

Valentine's Day is just one week away and I am getting very excited! Last year Ram went above and beyond and we had a lovely day so I can't help but wonder what he's got up his sleeve this year. I can tell you one thing - whatever we end up doing, I'll be wearing something PINK!!!

Most of you aren't new here - you know pink is my absolute favorite color and I love every single shade of it, from blush to fuchsia. I like wearing it, decorating with it, accessorizing with it... when R and I moved in together, I went through some SERIOUS pink withdrawals as I tried to make our apartment more "guy-friendly." Lucky for me, he likes pink (he even has a few pale pink button-downs he wears) and doesn't mind having pink things around. Good thing, cuz I'm obsessed - as I type this, I'm wearing a pink Snuggie!

I couldn't help but do a little round-up of all the pretty pink things catching my eye lately. Enjoy!


The leather on this gorgeous Valentino tote is so beautiful... and who could pass up a huge bow like that?

I love a statement necklace. This Kate Spade one would look amazing with a black cocktail dress.

I own these salad servers in glittery gold and they're a huge hit whenever I use them while entertaining - I'm sure they're just as adorable in hot pink!

I actually ordered this pink peplum dress - it's from Target from all places! I'll keep ya'll posted if it ends up looking cute or not.

The most glamorous way to keep your wine bottle from spoiling - a Kate Spade jeweled stopper!

Pink AND leopard? Be still my heart! Loving these DVF sandals for spring.

Any party would benefit from these gorgeous pink ikat cocktail napkins!

I could think of a million uses for this little pink leather Gap clutch, from toiletries to travel essentials to jewelry or even as a little pencil case! 

I hate buying anything from J.Crew at full price but I adore these ballet flats with every fiber of my being. They're definitely coming home with me next time I visit the mall!

These earrings are so unique! I love the way the grey pearls pop off the pink.

My sister bought me this LOVE paperweight from Furbish for Hanukkah and I just love it. It's displayed on my bookshelf and makes me happy everytime I look at it. 

What can I say, pink and leopard just make a great combination! This Gap scarf is so soft and the print is just lovely.

I literally ADORE everything posted above - probably more than any round-up I've ever done - and would love to get any one of them for Valentine's Day... or for any other reason. Hint, hint! :)

Think pink, ya'll! 

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so sorry for the word verification - the spam was out of control - but please leave a comment, it SERIOUSLY makes my day!