Monday, April 1, 2013

Guest Posting Today!

Well here is something fun! 

While I am off scampering around Seattle, a little guest post I wrote for my friend Tammy of the adorable blog Lemons, Avocados, & The Bay is up on her site today!

Head over there and see what I've been busily researching... no, not anything educational or anything :) DRESSES!!! You know, for the SIX weddings I have coming up this summer (not to mention the two bachelorette weekends, four showers, two rehearsal dinners... you get the picture).

Haha. Hop to it - and leave us both some love over there while you're at it! 
(Oh, and Happy April Fools Day... my least favorite holiday after St. Patrick's Day and Yom Kippur) :) 

1 comment:

  1. Hello There,
    I just wanted to see if you were currently interested in additional guest bloggers for your blog site.
    I see that you've accepted some guest posters in the past - are there any specific guidelines you need me to follow while making submissions?
    If you're open to submissions, whom would I need to send them to?
    I'm eager to send some contributions to your blog and think that I can cover some interesting topics.
    Thanks for your time,


so sorry for the word verification - the spam was out of control - but please leave a comment, it SERIOUSLY makes my day!