Friday, April 12, 2013

Had To Have It: A Sassy Polka Dot Number

Time for another Had To Have It! 

I am a total sucker for dresses. I wear them everywhere - with cardigans and ballet flats to work, with cute wedges and big earrings on date nights, with tights and boots to run errands... the list goes on and on. So it shouldn't be that surprising that the most recent item I "had to have" was another dress!

This one is actually a fancy evening dress - as I mentioned a few weeks ago, I've got six weddings and a slew of other events to attend this summer, so I'm stocking up on pretty things to wear! Last night Ram and I stopped at Nordstrom to return a few things (ironically this included two OTHER dresses I had ordered and was returning) when I spied this little number hanging on a rack:

The picture is not doing this dress justice. It's stunning and SEXY in real life - the sleeves fall in a way so it looks slightly off the shoulder - and SO freaking flattering. I made R come into the dressing room to help zip me up and when I turned around to model it he literally said "I will be pissed at you if you don't get this dress." With a statement like that how could I leave it behind?!

If polka dots are not your thing (meaning if you are a crazy person), the dress also comes in solid red and is on sale! Only a few sizes left though, so jump on it. It's also available in navy, pink, and black in plus sizes and is super flattering and equally beautiful in those colors too.

I can't wait to wear my new dress at some weddings this summer! Look for me - I will be the one dancing my ass off while drinking a Shirley Temple, in a sassy polka dot dress! 

Go get yours now!

1 comment:

  1. Looks so pretty! I love Maggy Boutique dresses. Can't wait to see it on you.


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