Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Where Have I Been?!

Wow. Guys. Sorry. Where have I been?! I certainly never intended to take, like, a ten day hiatus from the blog. But sometimes life gets in the way. Hope you've all been super and sassy since we last chatted :)

Last week I was in New York for a long weekend! We went to celebrate my aunt and uncle's joint 50th birthday party, which in Long Island on Saturday night. But we came in early so we could spend a day in the city, where we celebrated R's ACTUAL 30th with a little museum visit, a few stops at our favorite nosheries (did I just make that word up? Cuz I love it), and a Broadway show!

How could we go to NYC without stopping at Eataly?! We shared a little meat & cheese plate and some wine... one of our favorite things to do in the city.


Can you believe I had never been to the MOMA? We spent the afternoon walking around some of the upper floors looking at art. The Scream was on display and Ram was really into it, but I prefer things with more color... like these Kandinskys! I also loved the Warhols that were on display. 


Before seeing Newsies on Broadway! Totally loved it and I wasn't even a die-hard fan of the movie. The dancing was incredible. Side note: no idea why my hair looks so red in this picture - it's totally not this color in real life.


And here are some fun party pics! We had a great time. I love my crazy family. Look at these little cuties.


The Silverwomen before heading out! Yes, everyone paid a little visit to the Drybar before the party :)


I LOVE this pic of me and my sister. Total framer. Wish I could de-redeye it. 


Speaking of sisters, here are the dynamic duo! Do you think they look alike? I don't think so, but we've been stopped by people who think they're TWINS.


Don't ask me why - but there was a ginormous statue of Batman at the event space where the party was held. I got there early to help set up and as soon as I laid eyes on the statue I knew R was gonna flip. #HimynameisJordanandIloveacomicnerd


My aunt and uncle hired a Beatles cover band to provide music & entertainment so we danced all night. My uncle loves the Beatles and came up on stage to sing along with the band... my aunt ran up there to be his backup dancer. 


"I'm not a singer but I love to dance!"she informed me. Clearly! Look at these two go. I freaking love them.


One of my new favorite pictures of us! Another framer. Plus, leopard print is involved so obviously I'm obsessed.


As always, it was way too short of a visit. I think the next time we'll be in NY will probably be for the high holidays in September... I can't wait! 


  1. 1) All the times you've been to NY and never been to MOMA?! Shame on you! Glad you finally made it! Love it there!

    2) Ummm...you don't see the resemblance between your mom and your aunt?!?! Are you blind?!

    3) You can de-redeye pretty easily in iPhoto. If for some reason you don't have a Mac (which I can't imagine), send me the pic and I'll fix it for you.


  2. love that leopard jacket Xo Megan, www.TfDiaries.com


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