Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Off to NY!

I have been a terrible blogger lately but there is so much exciting stuff I need to fill you in on!

For starters, I turned 28!!! My birthday was Saturday and it was awesome. We had pedicures, sushi, and an indie film to celebrate. Promise to share pics of some of those fun things!

Some fun wedding updates: we have been venue shopping!!! We have fallen in love with a place but I'm not breathing a single word til the contract is signed and in my hands. Also, I asked my sister to be my Maid of Honor... funny story to come about that as well :) Details to come soon!

Our dear, dear friends got married this past weekend - I wore my favorite dress, cried the whole time, signed their ketubah, and danced all night. Well, more like jogged around the dance floor. I don't know, I'm weird. 

And last but not least, tonight we are off to New York! Tomorrow night Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) begins and as is tradition, we are heading back East to celebrate with my entire family. (I will likely never be as popular with all of them as I am right now as everyone is SO excited about the engagement! Trust me, in a couple weeks no one will care about me again.) But wait... the MOST exciting thing that is going to happen while we're in NYC? 

I'M GOING TO KLEINFELDS!!!! Cross your fingers and say a prayer the casting scouts are in that day ya'll, cuz I don't know ANYONE who's better TV than I am :) Say Yes To The Dress will not know what hit it!

I will be back with more updates soon, I promise! 


  1. ah can't wait to hear about kleinfelds! going to be an experience :) congrats again. so happy for you two!!! l'shana tovah!

  2. Dying over the maxi in the "engagement" pics - you'll have to let me know where you got it so I can scoop it up! Yay for the ring compliment, it's always so nice the hear that others adore your gem as much as you do!


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