Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Will You Be My Bridesmaid?!

As of this weekend, I have officially said those magic words to eight of my best friends...
"Will you be my bridesmaid?"

Now that all eight have received their packages, opened their mail, and ACCEPTED, I thought I'd share some pictures with all of you... Get ready for the cutest thing EVER, if I do say so myself :) Pardon my brag - but seriously, I could not be happier with the way these little gifts turned out. I've known for a long time that I wanted to "kick off" my wedding preparations with something special for my bridesmaids, and this is exactly what I had in mind!

Each bridesmaid got a little package with three custom sugar cookies tied up with ribbon - a diamond ring, a bridesmaid dress, and a question mark - with a personalized card to go along with it!



So now the question is - where did I get these cuties? 

Well, the cards came from The Card Store. After our photoshoot (actually taken on Yom Kippur, had to seize on the opportunity to snap R's pic while he was wearing his nice suit), I chose the photo I liked best and simply uploaded it to their website. After that, I could choose whether or not I wanted to personalize the inside with a note - I didn't, because I wanted to handwrite each bridesmaid a personal note. Safe to say my hand was majorly cramped after writing all of them! This is the inside of the cards... I spent hours writing personal notes to my friends telling them how much they mean to me.


Even the back was customize-able. Look at the little "Made by..." inscription!


The cards came immediately - within three or four days - and were extremely reasonably priced. For 8 of them, I paid $24 dollars, including tax and shipping - less than a greeting card would be at a drugstore! Another thing I really liked about the website is their Deals & Offers page. No need to Google for a coupon code - if they're offering one, they'll put it right on the site for you to use. I love when websites do that! The day I ordered them, there was a 30% off code!

Now, the cookies were a different story. After several false starts and one attempt to do them at home - I ended up ordering them from a lady named Laura in Los Angeles who makes custom sugar cookies. Her company is called Sunflower Baking - check her out! She was very easy to work with and the cookies are just beautiful - they even have sparkles on them!!! If you don't live in LA, no worries, she ships nationally... I highly recommend her.

My friends who live near me got their packages in person, but my friends who live across the country all got packages over the weekend... one by one, I started getting phone calls and photos once they had opened their packages. I literally had the biggest smile on my face all day!


So now the bridesmaids have their gifts and I am a happy camper and one lucky bride indeed to have such beautiful friends by my side:

Bailey, Gerrick, Greene, Julie, Floff, Blair, Alexandra, and Allison - I love you all so much!


so sorry for the word verification - the spam was out of control - but please leave a comment, it SERIOUSLY makes my day!