Monday, January 6, 2014

Back from the DFV!

Friends! We are six days into 2014 and I have yet to blog. #worstbloggerever But here I am!

We are BACK from the Dysfunctional Family Vacation and we all survived. This being Ram's first DFV, I was mayyybeee 5% worried he would not want to marry me after a week straight with my loads-of-fun-but-sometimes-insane family but rest assured we're all good :)

We stayed at the Pueblo Bonito Rose in Cabo San Lucas and the hotel itself was beautiful - I'd go back, but I would NOT do the all-inclusive again. I guess it's worth it if you're a big drinker, but we're not, and the hotel food was just not up to par. We ended up going out to dinner every night - our favorites were the Trailer Park and of course, the Office on the Beach!

We spent our days lounging on the beach, reading books, sharing magazines, and occasionally dipping into the pool or ocean to cool off. It was very nice and relaxing! I took a billion pictures so I'm just gonna do a bit of a photo dump with some highlights :) Not pictured? Our ill-fated ride on the banana boat. I was bribed into going on it along with R and all my cousins... 20 seconds in, guess who had a mouthful of seawater after she went tumbling into the ocean? THAT'S RIGHT, THIS GIRL :(

Wanna know the coolest part of the trip? For our group of 15 people, we had reserved 8 rooms. When we arrived, the lady at the front desk asked if we would be interested in moving 5 of those rooms to the "Owner's Suite." When we asked what that meant, she gave us a key and told us to check it out before we decided. Turns out the Owner's Suite was actually a 4,000 square foot PENTHOUSE VILLA on the top floor of the hotel - it had two floors, five bedrooms, six bathrooms, a full kitchen, living room, dining room, wraparound deck, library, tricked-out gym, game room, aquarium, and ROOFTOP DECK WITH A PRIVATE POOL. Needless to say, we said yes! It was a complete stroke of luck - we didn't do anything special to deserve it - but it made our trip AWESOME. Every afternoon when we had tired of the beach, we'd come up and spend another hour laying on the deck and swimming in the little pool... so cool.

Some fam members lounging by our pool :) and check out the gorgeous view from our deck! 

My grandma with all her grandchildren (and fiances and boyfriends!)


Every night, one of the couples or cousin groups hosted a "pre-party" in the suite, bringing drinks and snacks for everyone to enjoy before we headed out to dinner. Ram and I hosted on the last night - we scrounged around for cheese and crackers in the pharmacia down the street, and taught everyone a fun game!

Lots of laughs with the lady in pink! Sometimes we have fun :)

Some obligatory pictures of me and my man. See how we get progressively tanner as the days go by!?

Love this shot - the girl cousins! 

And another, minus Bay:

R and my cousin Jeff hit it off big time. Mostly over adult beverages. 

A fabulous lobster dinner one night. Mmmmmm.

And of course, the group shot. Gotta love the fam. Here's to another fabulous DFV!

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