Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Had To Have It: The Perfect Summer Tank!

Ladies, it's summer. It's hot. You want something cool, something comfortable. I feel you.

I spied this breezy little tank in Nordstrom a few weeks ago and had to have it! I don't know about you, but I often layer up on tanks - a tighter one to hold the goods in, you know, followed by the looser, usually cuter one on top. This tank does the job for me - it's two layers, one tighter and longer, topped with a sheer overlay, and it could NOT be softer.

The first one I bought was the white one, but I confess I've already gone back for the royal blue - I'm wearing it as we speak! Trying to hold off on completing the trio and nabbing the mint color, but I doubt I'll be able to resist much longer. And for less than $40, why the heck not, right?!

(Let me also say that usually, I find the reviews on Nordstrom's website to be pretty spot-on, but I'm puzzled by this one - I find it runs true to size, not too big at all...)

As I mentioned, I am wearing it to work today, paired with skinny black pants, leopard flats, and a white cardigan. I walked in this morning and my colleague immediately followed me into my office and demanded to know where it's from, so I knew I had to share with all of you too :)

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