Monday, March 6, 2017

Holy Shit, Did I Just Blog?

What? Did I just blog?

Holy shit. It's been two years since I last wrote. Don't get me wrong, I miss this thing A LOT. It just seemed so weird to randomly pick it up one day after abandoning it for so long.

And yet. Here I am. It's No Shopping March, by the way, so between avoiding online shopping AND trying to stay the hell away from the news because it depresses me so much (P.S., the last time I blogged America was still great and we weren't all going to die based on the freakish whims of an actual Orange Dumpster Fire sitting in the Oval Office, but I digress)... I needed SOMETHING to occupy me while sitting on my couch keeping half an eye on Fixer Upper re-runs, so, I guess I'm back?

What do I want to even write about? What is the blog about? I remember when people used to ask me, "Is it a fashion blog? A food blog? A travel blog?" and I'd be like... "Yes? All of that? Filtered through the lens of a basic Jewish girl in LA?"

So I guess I should put some updates on here. Let's see. What's new since February 2015 (?!?!?!?!):

1. Rami and I have been married for almost two and a half years. It's pretty great. He is still handsome and funny and ridiculously smart and we have lots of fun traveling all over the world and seeing movies and just hanging out. Marriage is fun. 

2. Truffle Britney Spears the Mini Pig, aka our beloved French bulldog, is the sassiest young lady in the house (besides me). She is two years old and the cutest thing you ever saw and slightly naughty but she is my child and I love her more than anything. 

3. The 2016 Presidential Election really threw me, guys. We went to Nevada and canvassed for Hillary door to door and I just KNEW she was going to win. I felt it. I was a nervous wreck for three weeks before the election, couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, cried every day, but I really, really thought she was going to win. When DT won I didn't get out of bed for close to 48 hours. It was basically harder on me than my parents' divorce. If I am being perfectly honest I am still having a really hard time with it. I've lost some friends. Did a LOT of defriending on Facebook. For my own mental health I try not to read the news every day, which is extremely hard for me - since I was 14 I have had CNN as my homepage and read it every day and pride myself on being a generally in-the-know human being. Rami is super fired up and calls our legislators every single day. I mostly just feel nauseous and terrified.

4. We have been traveling A LOT. We went to Paris and London for Christmas and New Years, and Hawaii for our two-year anniversary, and Italy, Turkey, and Greece for my 30th birthday. (Oh, I'm 31 now - I had to get anti-anxiety medication when I turned 30, but that lasted for like 4 hours and now I don't give a shit how old I am!)

Those are some good updates, right? The lonely part of blogging was that I loved writing, but I always felt like I was talking to a wall. The comments were rare and that got to me, not gonna lie. But if you want to hear about something, I guess just let me know? Some more ideas, off the top of my head:

- The Great Mold Incident of 2016 and the most recent Minor Bee Hive Trauma of 2017, aka, why I am not a fan of owning a house
- Things I have purchased lately that I have enjoyed
- Favorite things from recent trips
- Recipes? I bought an InstantPot but I'm scared of it. I do cook a lot though, so that could be a good idea!
- An updated Vegas Guide and LA Restaurant Guide - I STILL get emails from people asking me about my recommendations!

I think going forward, I will shoot for posting once a week. That way, if I don't do it, I won't feel terrible, and if I manage to exceed my own expectations and post twice in a week, I'll feel like a hero. 

So welcome back to me! 


  1. Welcome back. I think people want to know about the mold and the bees. Also have you ever written about Bestia on here?

  2. YAY!!! Welcome back! Please write about the instant pot. I'm intrigued, yet I need another kitchen gadget like I need a hole in the head. I never touch my slow cooker. So yes, recipes, whether it's worth the kitchen real estate, all of it!

  3. I'M GLAD GIRL!!!!!!!!! I READ!

  4. YAYYYYY! I'm HERE for the mold story.

  5. You bought a house since you last wrote (I think) and I'm pretty sure your decisions and adventures in decorating would be worth noting. Isn't there a pink couch involved? Just sayin...

  6. Hurray! Always loved your blog. I love all of these topics. Particularly the shopping and travel recs. Welcome back! Hope you keep it up :):)

  7. So happy to see this today! Your writing always seems to brighten me up:)

  8. Its about time! I mean....welcome back!!!

  9. Hola! I was wondering where you went!

  10. Welcome back!! Long live the queens! <3 What happened with the bees!?

  11. YAYYYYYY!!!! God I missed your blog!!!

  12. everyone loves when you post!!! welcome back!!! the people need updates on all of the above. Also, PICS!

    I would love to hear more details about your travels, recent purchases (with pictures) and best restaurants in LA.



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