Monday, February 22, 2010

Seafood, Eat It

My apologies in advance to my Rabbi and all other kosher-keepers who read this blog. I love being Jewish, but I might love lobster more.

I know you were all breathlessly anticipating the recap of my experience at the St. Andrews Country Club Seafood Buffet. And how do I know that? Because no less than six people asked me when it would be up.

So here we go. And for those of you who were concerned, don’t worry - I am not THAT un-classy that I would walk around the fancy country club, taking picture in order to document the event on my blog.

I gave my camera to my 13-year old cousin and made her do it. WHAT!? She is tiny and adorable and no one paid any attention to her clicking away, whereas if it had been me, I certainly would have gotten some strange looks from the elderlies.

ANYWAYS. Onto the goods. Basically, we feasted on the following: clams, mussels, crabcakes, soft shell crabs, sushi, sea bass, ahi tuna, oysters, shrimp, scallops, crab claws, and ALL THE LOBSTER IN THE SEA. Want the visual evidence? Here ya go:

the little face you see peeking through the ice sculpture below is my fabulous mother, gathering up shrimp in her cute printed shirt:

my plate. just looking at it makes me happy.

YUM. Pictures cannot do it justice. When we were finished, none of us could move. We could barely drive the golf cart home. Blogging was out of the question - I laid on the couch with my cousins and watched the Disney Channel.

Perfect night? I think so...

1 comment:

  1. First I appreciate the shout out to me, greatly honored.

    Second, there is a lot of treif in your recent postings...I am just saying!


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