Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Three Years Ago I Was A Senior in College. And I Was Drunk.

8pm this evening. I am minding my own business, happily eating dinner with Daniel and gossiping. My phone buzzes. I look down. Someone has sent me a pic! I feel popular and loved.

It’s from my dear friend ABG. What’s she doing sending me pictures? She’s at school in Tucson, and it’s AEPhi’s Senior Week! She should be celebrating with her pledge class! I click to open it and LAUGHED OUT LOUD.

I hope whoever at AEPhi created this did not hope that I would be insulted by this because frankly, I AM DELIGHTED. It made me laugh hysterically. And it got me thinking about my own senior week....

Holy mother of god, I am old. My senior week was THREE YEARS AGO. I remember it like it was literally yesterday.

Most sororities all over the country do a variation of Senior Week - a weeklong celebration in honor of their seniors, a few weeks before graduation. There are special dinners, parties, and activities all in honor of the group of seniors, both honoring them and thanking them for their four years of service and participation in the sorority.

So what did we do out there in the desert? Well, since I obsessively documented every moment of my life in college, I’ll just show you! :)

We started off the week with a special dinner at AEPhi, but before we could come into the house, our pledge class was locked outside and made to scream rush songs/cheers before we were allowed to come in. This is all of us when they finally opened the doors!

Then it was time for SENIOR ROASTS! Each girl in our pledge class took turns sitting in front of the whole chapter and hearing her friends tell embarrassing and funny stories about her time in college. There's a reason why I'm blushing in this photo - let's just leave it at that...

The next night, we had a special dinner at the sorority house. I would show you pictures from this night, but none exist. Why? Because I had a little too much to drink at Dirtbags that afternoon and, after dinner, went home and stuck my head in the toilet. TMI? Hey, this is my blog and I can talk about vom if I want to.

Two days later was the night that Senior Week is famous for: Bar Crawl. As a gift to the seniors, the entire house chips in and buys them all matching shirts (how cute are ours? The front says “Seniors: It’s Almost Last Call” and the back says our nickname. Mine said Jordy, obv.)

THEN, we are treated to an entire night of bar-hopping on our very own party bus for seniors only :) we traveled all around Tucson, drinking and dancing on our very own chauffeured party bus. AMAZING!

Having a little too much fun... I am legitimately ON TOP of the bar.

The night after that (yes, we were drunk for about eight days straight), was our very last date dash - semiformal! Look how gorgeous we are!

And finally, we finished out the week with a special senior surprise of our own. AEPhi’s mascot is the giraffe, and in our sorority house, we have a huge metal giraffe sculpture that is constantly being moved and hidden throughout the entire house, much to the chagrin of our house-mom, Kathryn.

Our pledge class decided to pull a little prank in honor of Senior Week: we stole the giraffe and took him on a guerrilla-style field trip throughout Tucson, where we traveled to our favorite spots throughout the city and took pictures of him posing with various people, places, and things. I laugh hysterically every time I think about this night: we took that giraffe to our favorite bar, to dorms, to Wendy’s, to frat houses, to 7-11, to the Student Union, and, for the grand finale, stuck him in the Old Main fountain smack in the middle of campus and climbed in alongside him.

As a gift, we made an enormous collage of photos from the giraffe-theft night and presented it to the sorority. It now hangs on the wall upstairs :)

So there you have it: Senior Week, AEPhi Arizona style. Thanks for letting me reminisce... I still feel old, but happy because most of my best friends are still those same girls :)

And to ABG - my mini me, my love - you are not my bitch :) What you are is an incredibly lucky girl to be just starting Senior Week - one of the best weeks of my entire life! Enjoy every single moment :)


  1. When I went to visit colleges I looked at 3 schools, AZ, OK, and South Carolina. When we went on our tour of AZ I was shown the Hillel, AEPhi house, and bookstore! I love your house!

  2. jord love it and love you! wish i could hear you be roasted! tooo funny! miss youuu xoxo

  3. Who's idea do you think that one was? MISS YOU! ABG and I will definitely have a shot in your honor.


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