Tuesday, April 6, 2010

MOTL 2010: Here I Go Again!

Well my lovers, it’s about that time. I’ve been in town for 4 days... time to jet off again!

Where to this time? Tomorrow I leave for the March of the Living, a two-week trip to Poland and Israel for high school seniors. This is my third time staffing the trip, and every year, even though I come home exhausted and emotionally drained, I know without a doubt that I’ll be back the next year.

I believe whole-heartedly in what this trip does - over the past few years, I have watched hundreds of kids come home forever changed by what they saw and learned about our people and our history. (Click here to read something I wrote shortly after coming back from the trip for the first time, in 2008.) This year we are taking our biggest group yet - 162 kids! I’m exhausted just talking about it :)

I will be gone until April 22nd - first to Poland for a week, and then to Israel. Poland will be emotional and rough, but I am literally counting the moments til Israel! I can't wait to visit some of my favorite places and see some of my favorite people (ie, my Birthright friends!)

I know you are going to miss me terribly :) so I have some good news!

Last year, I created a MOTL Twitter account so people back at home could follow us and read about what we were doing. It was a big success, so I was asked to do it again!

Our Twitter name: LAMOTL10. I think you can also do a search for BJE MOTL and we come up.

Here’s a direct link: http://twitter.com/LAMOTL10

I will be checking emails regularly and Facebook occasionally, so please feel free to send me some love! I will miss you all but can’t wait to fill you in when I’m back!


  1. I have ALWAYS wanted to go on MOL! I have heard it is amazing. Enjoy this trip.

  2. have a safe trip and a GREAT time!!!


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