Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A Big (But Small) Announcement!

This is Anna:

She is one of my besties. We went to Arizona together, we were in AEPhi together, and we were roommates senior year. Other interesting facts about Anna: she is very quiet and polite (I bet you’re wondering how we are friends), she is from Memphis, Tennessee, she makes awesome lasagna, and she cries at lots of movies.

This is Erez:

He is Anna’s husband. She got him when she went abroad to Israel our junior year and brought him back to live with us in our house in Tucson senior year of college. Other interesting facts about Erez: I call him Easy E, he owns a restaurant in Jerusalem, he loves to clean (especially mopping floors), and he only likes to eat hamburgers. Nothing else but hamburgers.

This is them together. On a horse:

Anna was my very first friend who got married - she and E got married in Memphis in 2008 and it was SO FUN. Now they live together in a beautiful house ten minutes away from me and we play all the time/ have lots of adventures in and around LA with Greene Bean :)

Now this is me, SUPER EXCITED:

I bet you want to know why I am super excited, right? Okay, I’ll tell you. I am super excited because Anna is having one of these:



I am SO EXCITED!!!!!! ANDDDDD I feel very satisfied because I suspected it from the very beginning. On Father’s Day at our family BBQ, everyone was having margaritas - except for Anna - and it was then that I knew. For the next three months, I had to keep my mouth quiet but FINALLY last week Anna called me and said, “We are having a baby!” My response was literally, “DUH! I’ve known forever. Can I throw the baby shower?!”

Nobody I know has any babies and I love babies. Plus this baby is going to be basically half mine (did you know that Anna?) because it is going to live right near me and I am going to get to play with it and hold it EVERY DAY.

This baby is very lucky because we already love it a LOT. I can’t wait to buy it stuff. On Wednesday night Anna and I had dinner, which somehow turned into us perusing the aisles of Babies-R-Us, which then turned into me wanting to buy the baby a tiny leopard print coat (even though we don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl yet), which led to Anna dragging me out of the store immediately before I could throw down the credit card. And now, whenever GB and I hang out with Anna, it’s all we can talk about. Quite frankly, I think Anna is getting bored with the subject :)

I am SOOOO happy and excited for Anna and E! And I need them to find out what kind of baby it is ASAP so I can submit to them a list of potential names beginning with “Jordan.” Hey, it goes both ways.


1 comment:

  1. YAY!! Love you and thanks for the blog post! I didn't allow a somogram to be posted but if you would like to see it send me a text!


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