Thursday, September 23, 2010

In With the New

I can’t believe I forgot to tell ya’ll some big news. I got a new roommate!

Yes, it was an end of an era last month when Tal moved out. We had lived together for three great years and shared lots of fun Brentwood memories, but I was very happy for her when she told me she was moving in with her boyfriend Danny. After all, he literally lives across the street from us, so I can still see her all the time! (In fact, I was over there last night!)

Now I live with my friend Rachel - yay! Rachel and I actually went to both high school and college together - she is a year older than I am and is probably one of the nicest people I have ever met :) She moved in a month ago and I am loving living with her!

And of course, since I am as impressionable as a four-year old, from the moment she moved in I have been obsessed with her room. The way that she decorated it and her furniture is so cute - so bohemian and ethnic, and of course now I have absolutely no interest in my sparkly picture frames and Anthropologie bedding anymore. I have been spending hours in front of my computer reading interior design blogs and shelter magazines. I HAVE THE DECORATING BUG. BAD.

For example, she has a super cute colorful comforter folded at the bottom of her bed. When she told me she got it at Crate & Barrel, I immediately ran off to my computer to stalk their bedding. And then I fell in love with this:

UM, I NEED THAT. As certain people have been saying for years (AHEM Ellen Silverman), it’s high time I grow up and stop buying pink frilly bedclothes. And I think this is a really good compromise! It’s colorful and feminine, but not over the top girly. I REALLY, REALLY want it.

Rather than drive my mother nuts with my insistence on buying a new comforter every six months, right now I am focusing on the living room. Talya and I did a pretty good job of dividing up most our stuff when we bought it - rather than splitting things down the middle (and then eventually having to pay the other back for half), we each bought certain things for our apartment and own those things. When Tal moved out, she left me with mostly everything, but she did take her beautiful art with her - her dad is a very talented artist and we had some gorgeous paintings on our walls. I miss those paintings A LOT!

Right now our walls are pretty much bare and it is giving me a fucking panic attack every single time I walk into the living room. Thank god I have it under control -- next week my friend Steve is helping me move a HUGE painting from my parents house that they are giving me, plus a gorgeous piece of art I bought in Israel earlier this year. Yay for macho boys with trucks! And Michaels was having a frame sale a few weeks ago, so I finally framed a few other Israeli prints I’ve been meaning to hang - the walls may be bare now, but soon enough they will be gorgeous! (Don’t worry, I’ll show ya’ll picks when everything’s up!)

And I’ve also been obsessing about coffee tables. Tal left her coffee table and side table, and I’m thinking about upgrading to something a little different -- I’ve always loved the look of a glass top coffee table, so I’ve been scouring the Internets for something pretty yet affordable. This is my major obsession, but that price is ridiculous, so instead, I found these two that I like on a discount furniture website. They’re very reasonably priced - under $275 for both the coffee table and two side tables.

Jacob is not going to like this very much. He says buying furniture is an investment and that I need to buy pieces that are high quality and timeless. He is the furniture expert so I should listen to him, but in the meantime, please leave me a comment and let me know which you like better and help me decide!

In other fun news, in a few hours I am off to TEXAS, ya’ll! I am going to experience the wonders of the Texas State Fair in Dallas and then head on over to Austin for a real live UT football game.

I know it’s only Thursday, but I’m wishing you a FAB weekend :) I’ll be back Monday with lots of stories and pictures!


  1. you keep making me want to redecorate!!!!

  2. brain aneurysm from trying to comprehend an obsession from BUY FROM AN INDEPENDENT DEALER! minimum go back to HD Buttercup.

  3. no offense to that bedding, but it doesn't have shit on anthropologie bedding.

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so sorry for the word verification - the spam was out of control - but please leave a comment, it SERIOUSLY makes my day!