Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Pretty Pink Pair, No Matter Where You Live

When I was in New York last week, I stopped by Bloomingdales in Soho to browse a little bit. I made my way through makeup, shoes, jewelry, and purses before heading upstairs to look at clothes. As I looked around, a saleslady approached me and asked if she could help me. I thanked her and told her I was just looking.

“Don’t forget to go pick out a new winter coat!” she said. “We just got a whole bunch in. Perfect for the weather that’s right around the corner!”

I laughed. “No thank you,” I told her. “I don’t really need a winter coat where I’m from!”

I don’t need a new coat. That’s the beauty about Los Angeles - even when it’s cold outside, it’s never THAT cold. Which might explain why it’s the middle of September and instead of buying things like scarves or boots or gloves, I’m online buying SANDALS.

The details on these are incredible. I love all the different colored stones and accents of gold - I think they would look adorable with some skinny jeans or black pants and a flowy shirt. Plus, I love the gorgeous dusty pink color - so subtle and delicate! They also come in black and pale green, but let’s face it, the pink pair is by far the prettiest.

Best part is, they’re on sale! So if you live somewhere warm, pick them up and wear them out soon :) And if it’s getting cold where you are, get em anyways - it’ll be warm weather again before you know it!


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