Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tucker Time

I think we all know that I can be a bit crazy when it comes to getting something I really want :) I am not above scouring the internet or calling stores all around the country to track down an item that I have fallen in love with. Therefore, the fact that I have spent the last few days obsessing insanely over the Tucker for Target line will come as no surprise to you!

I LOVE the brand Tucker. For those of you who aren’t familiar with it, Tucker is a clothing line known for their beautiful silk pieces, most famous among them their gorgeous silk tops. I bought my first Tucker blouse a few years ago and fell in love with the bright pattern, perfect loose fit, and ability to fit in with everything in my wardrobe from pencil skirts to skinny jeans and cargo pants.

Since then, I’m always on the lookout for a new Tucker shirt to add to my wardrobe. However, the stuff comes at a price - the silk shirts retail for around $250 each - WAY too much money in my opinion, even for something I love so much. I’ve been lucky enough to snap up a few pieces on sale here and there, but in general, I can’t justify the price.

Imagine my INSANE AND UTTER DELIGHT, then, when I was reading a magazine earlier this summer, and turned the page to reveal a two-page Target ad for none other than their upcoming designer collaboration... WITH TUCKER!

Seriously you guys, I almost passed out on the spot. I immediately began researching the internet for any info I could find, and discovered that the line would be available September 12th. I put the date on my calendar and waited breathlessly.

A few weeks ago, Gilt Groupe did a sneak peek sale on their website for the line, and even though I was promptly logged-on at the appropriate time waiting to snap some stuff up, everything sold out instantly. I was SO upset. A lovely blogger who I follow on Twitter did manage to order a few things from the sale, though, and tweeted that one of her pieces arrived in the wrong size. When I saw that, I eagerly tweeted back to her my desire to buy the dress from her - it arrived a few days later and I fell in love. The quality was excellent, the fit was great, the colors were interesting, AND the dress was hundreds of dollars less than I would pay in Bloomingdales or Barneys... It only made me more anxious for the rest of the Target line to debut!

On Saturday night, I sat on my aunt’s couch in New York with my laptop on my lap, clicking refresh on the Target website over and over like a crazy person. But the line didn’t come up! So instead, on Sunday morning, just a few hours before we were due to leave for the airport, I dragged my mother out of bed at 8:00 in the morning and we drove to Target so I could indulge :) here is the picture I snapped as I ran through the big red doors and beelined to the women’s section:

I ended up with some good stuff! So now, besides the dress I already got, I came home with two silk camisoles, a blouse, and another dress, all for less than the price of ONE Tucker top would normally cost :) SCORE. I have my eye on one more blouse, but for now, I am incredibly happy with my new loot!

I would like to thank my mother for indulging me in my insane shopping excursion... I would make a brief speech about what a saint she is, but let’s face it, I got my shopping genes from her - obsessively tracking down an item of clothing is nothing new to the Silverman women!

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