Thursday, November 25, 2010

Being Thankful

Last week, I went to a food pantry.

I was there for work - I had been asked to take photographs for us to use in our organization’s future newsletters and brochures. I arrived around 8:45 in the morning. There were already hundreds of people lined up on the sidewalk, waiting for their turn to come in and receive a bag of groceries. They had been lined up for hours; someone said they had been there since 6:00am. There were all kinds of people lined up: young, old, in wheelchairs, with children, alone or with families. Some of them looked homeless. Some of them looked like me and you.

It is easy to get caught up in the banalities of everyday life: errands need to be run, grocery shopping needs to be done, bills need to be paid. I, for one, do those things every single day – and I rarely think about how lucky I am to have what I have: food on the table, a roof over my head, money to spend on necessities and luxuries.

So today, I am thankful for the simple things. I am thankful for a turkey in the oven, heat in the house, a healthy family, and a house full of loved ones. I am thankful for my life, because even when it’s hard and crazy and stressful and harried, it’s still a pretty great one.

Because I have so much, I cannot forget to take care of those who go without. And I’m also lucky enough to work for an organization that’s entirely dedicated to doing just that. And that’s why I invite you to check out the JFS Adopt-A-Family Virtual Drive – you can help make someone’s Hanukkah or Christmas a little brighter. Visit and click to add things like stuffed animals, puzzles, gas cards, movie tickets, and food to your cart. All items will be donated to families in need so that they, too, can have a happy holiday season.

Today, I’m thankful for all I have. And thankful that because of that, I get the opportunity to help others.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones!

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